Friday, February 13, 2009

Truly Random Musings

This truly is random musings, without any pre-thought or carefully written drafts. I was without a computer for weeks, while my son Bob 'reloaded' the computer. Me, being a non-techy, I don't totally understand the details of this... but it seems to take many trips to and from a computer store (where he works), and the total cost for this work is a batch of brownies and homemade cocoa mix. But I'm back.....

Speaking of Bob, he's amazing. Apparently, he's teaching himself some computer language and using it to build a website for himself full of Bob-isms. His twin brother, is busy working and going to college and building snowmen with engagement rings for one eye. And Cat finished her first semester of college, and got the best 'report card' of her life. I had to make good on my promise and take her to Sagano's, a Japanese steakhouse, where cooking dinner is part of the show. Fun...and tasty, and not cheap. (shudder my frugal heart)

As to my writing career, as of today I know that my two short short stories that I submitted to the Writers Digest Short Short Story Competition did not place. *sigh* Ah, well. Tomorrow, I'll figure out where to send them next. I think that the one titled "Not An Ordinary Girl" is especially good. On another note, I sent off another article for consideration to Guideposts (you send them off, and hope), this one about a true story about my mother. I've started on another one, this time about my parents when they were dating.

The most exciting thing I've done lately (go ahead and roll your eyes now, and get it over with. I'll wait. Okay? Good.) is to attend a crochet/knitting group. See, I pass this church on Main Street in town, and it took me five days of passing by to read the entire sign. Anyways, I found myself standing in front of a church door, feeling nervous about walking into a group of people where I knew no one. Then I realized, hey, Laura... they are church people, what's to fear? So I went in. It was great.. a little old lady taught me how to make a granny square, and I finally learned the names of some of the stitches I already knew how to do, but learned by rote, not name. The group makes blankets for homeless, snuggies for animal shelter (little blankies for kitties to sleep on), and hats for chemo patients. I can't wait to go again.

The other excitement, and last random musing, is that last Saturday I attended a Tea at my sister's house. Her idea.. and it was great! I live on tea...never ever drink coffee (ick). We had scones, little sandwiches, and cookies... wow. Next time I'll host it.

Ok...until next time... keep on swimming. And remember the 'special ingredient' in special ingredient soup.


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